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Full Member | Emeritus Member | Associate/Student Member

Membership Application Details


Elected (Full) Member - New to CSI


To become a Full member of CSI, an applicant must apply for admission and be approved by the CSI Membership Committee and the Council. Applicants must:

1. possess a Ph.D. (or equivalent graduate degree, e.g., D.Sc.) in immunology or related disciplines, or an M.D. (or equivalent medical degree, e.g., D.D.S.),* and

2.  be an author on one publication on an immunological topic in a reputable English-language, peer-reviewed journal. Manuscripts in press are acceptable when accompanied by a letter from the publisher or Editor-in-Chief of the journal affirming its acceptance and imminent publication. Abstracts and unpublished papers will not be considered in evaluating whether a candidate meets the publication requirement for membership.

* These requirements may be waived under exceptional circumstances if a candidate shows evidence of other appropriate training and/or substantial research accomplishment.


Annual membership dues are $80 per CSI membership year (Oct. 1 – Sept. 30) or $375 for a 5-year CSI membership

Application Procedures

To apply for Full membership:

1.  Complete the required information on the online application.

On the application, you will be asked to submit:

2.  the name and email address of an active full CSI member who will be your sponsor,

3.  payment for the current membership year, and

4.  a copy of your current Curriculum Vitae (CV) or biosketch including a short bibliography (limited to three pages), as an attachment in PDF format. *Please put at the top of your CV: a) your advanced degree and b) the article on which you base your application

Your application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee once we have received both your CV and your membership dues payment. Reviews take place approximately every 2-3 weeks. After review of your application, you will be notified by email. If your application for membership is not approved, your dues payment will be refunded in full.

You may proceed with your conference registration, which will be charged at your membership rate. Should any changes be required, CSI will contact you.

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Emeritus Member


To become an Emeritus member, an applicant must 1) have been an Active (Full) member of CSI and 2) must be fully retired or not gainfully employed. An CSI Active (Full) member who becomes disabled and is fully retired may apply for Emeritus status.


Annual membership dues are $30 per CSI membership year (Oct. 1 – Sept. 30)

Application Procedures:

To apply for an Emeritus membership:

1.  download the Emeritus Verification Form, have it signed, and create a PDF of the signed form,

2.  complete the required information on the online application.

On the application, you will be asked to submit:

1.  payment for the current membership year, and

2.  complete the application by uploading your signed Emeritus Verification Form and paying online with a credit card

Your application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee once we have received both your Emeritus Verification Form and your membership dues payment. Reviews take place approximately every 2-3 weeks. After review of your application, you will be notified by email. If your application for membership is not approved, your dues payment will be refunded in full.

You may proceed with your conference registration, which will be charged at your membership rate. Should any changes be required, CSI will contact you.


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Associate or Student Member


To become an associate/student member of CSI, an applicant must be a graduate student or a post-doctoral trainee enrolled in an education or training program that could lead to a career in research in immunology or a related field. Applicants for this membership category must submit at the time of application an Associate/Student Certification Form signed by an Active Full CSI member certifying the applicant's trainee status.


Annual membership dues (per CSI membership year (Oct. 1 – Sept. 30)) for:

- New and Renewing Associate Member $50 (1-Year); $85 (2-Year)
- New Associate Member are eligible to receive a two year membership for $50 if your supervisor is a current CSI Member
- New and Renewing Student Member $30 (1-Year); $45 (2-Year)
- New Student Member are eligible to receive a two year membership for $30 if your supervisor is a current CSI member

Application Procedures:

To apply for Associate/Student membership:

1.  download the Associate/Student Certification Form, have it signed, and create a PDF of the signed form,

2.  complete the required information on the online application - Student Form | Associate Form

On the application, you will be asked to submit:

1.  the name of an active full CSI member who will be your sponsor,

2.  payment for the current membership year, and

3.  complete the application by uploading your signed Associate/Student Certification Form and paying online with a credit card

Your application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee once we have received both your Associate/Student Certification Form and your membership dues payment. Reviews take place approximately every 2-3 weeks. After review of your application, you will be notified by email. If your application for membership is not approved, your dues payment will be refunded in full.

You may proceed with your conference registration, which will be charged at your membership rate. Should any changes be required, CSI will contact you.

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